September 2022 - Smoothie King

Security Systems for Reducing Employee Theft

There are unique challenges when it comes to reducing employee theft. Margins are thin, turnover is high, and almost everything is a consumable. While many businesses focus on external theft, franchises face a significant risk from their own employees. According to the National Restaurant Association, up to 75% of inventory shortages and 4% overall sales [...]

By | September 15th, 2022|Franchise safety, Risk management|Comments Off on Security Systems for Reducing Employee Theft

Common Holiday Claims and How to Prevent Them

Around the holidays, franchises can see an increase in claims. The reason for increased claims vary, but seasonal celebrations, weather and economic issues all play a part. Franchise holiday claims can cause stress and worry at a time that is already hectic and stressful. For franchises, we often see an increase in commercial auto claims [...]

By | September 15th, 2022|Insurance information, Insurance tips, Quick service industry|Comments Off on Common Holiday Claims and How to Prevent Them